More on Music in the Classroom

 This is one of the best strategies that I have ever used in my classroom. I love music and the impact that it seemed to have on my kiddos!


This is an important tip to remember: ACTIVITY: Music to Match


Select music to match the activities you plan.

Consider the “feeling” or emotions that the music evokes in you. Listen carefully to the  various instruments and see if you associate them with certain feelings. Trumpets and other  brass instruments most often are used for marching and martial music most people  experience a very celebratory, happy feeling hearing this kind of music. Violins, violas,  basses and other strings often give a soothing, even romantic feeling to listeners. Jazz  saxophone and clarinet are known for their melancholy sounds while flutes and pipes are  often used to play light, fun tunes that can even make people laugh.

Consider the length of the musical composition. Usually the number of seconds of music will  be listed in conjunction with the piece, whether you download it from the internet or find it  on a CD. This can be useful as you work out the timing for different class tasks. Both you and  the students will know from the music when the task needs to end.

Once you have chosen several possible pieces of music to use in class, consider the beats-  per-minute concepts that can help you choose between options.

 To figure out the BPM in a piece of music, here is a simple how-to: Start to play music that  you think might be appropriate to a given activity. Use a stopwatch or clock with a second

 hand that makes it easy for you to know when one minute is up. Listen for the drum down  beats or “pulse” in the music. Start the stopwatch, and begin to count the beats. Stop at one  minute and write down the number of beats. Do this a few times until you feel confident  that you have estimated the approximate number of the BPM.

The BPM is likely to have real effects on student learning and the mood in the classroom.  Like a conductor, you can orchestrate the mood of the class. Theoretically, listeners’  physical heartbeats may change to sync up with the musical beat. Scientists have recorded  brain changes with differing beats. Again, try to match BPM appropriately to the task or  activity you want students to do while the music plays.

·         For instance, if you want students to engage in a brainstorming activity, then you  would want to play music that has no lyrics and a pulse rate above 80 BPM.

·         On the other hand, if you are after focused learning as in ‘think-pair & share’  activities, then you would want to achieve a pulse rate of about 60-90 BPM.

·         For activities of an independent nature such as independent reading and problem-  solving, you would want to achieve a pulse rate of below 60 BPM.

Simply put, you cannot just arbitrarily play any piece of music to just any activity and expect  to yield results. Note that both the tempo and appropriateness must guide your selection.

I would also recommend that you gradually introduce music into the classroom to coincide  with your instruction. Music itself and the technical issues to get it playing can become  distractions. Start with a few minutes a day and gradually increase the use of music as you  begin to feel comfortable with its use.


ACTIVITY: Use a “Call Back Song”

During the first few days of school, I introduce the class to our “Call Back Song” which calls  them back to their seats. I teach – model – rehearse the following procedure over and over  again until it is routine!

Whenever they hear the “Call Back Song,” students must react with the following actions:

·         Stop all talking

·         Return as quickly as possible to your seat

·         Wait for the next set of instructions

 Naturally, the “Call Back Song” is a theme of your own choosing and can be any song you  like. Mine is “Brown-Eyed Girl.” 

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