I want to take a moment to discuss the teachers’ lounge. Yes, it is one
of the few places where you get to
socialize with other teachers and where you can get a little private space away from the schoolchildren. It can be a pleasant
place to retreat
for a quiet lunch or a chat with another
friendly teacher over a cup of tea.
You can learn a lot about the inner life of the school and the unique
school culture from the chitchat in the teachers’
lounge. You may also acquire
important information about resources,
situations, events, and the people you work with. You may even get some real mentorship and help from other teachers.
On the other hand, nothing can be more depressing for a new teacher than
to listen to veteran teachers
who hang out in the lounge and complain. All too often, you hear complaints
about the building, the district policies, or the incompetence of a fellow
teacher or administrator. “Office politics” can be
dangerous if you find yourself
on the wrong side.
I would recommend that the new teacher stay clear of the teachers’ lounge in the early days.
Why? Because going there can undermine your confidence. Wait until you
feel proficient enough in your
teaching duties to hold your own. Go there when you need help but give yourself time to build confidence in your
own abilities. You do not want to be vulnerable or negatively influenced by more experienced – and perhaps
more cynical – teachers.
I have been in the teaching business
for 20 years and I can count the times on one hand that I have frequented the lounge.
School environments and cultures differ all over the world, but the teachers’ lounges do tend to be a ‘hotbed’ for
internal politics and venting of frustrations.
My intent is not to scare you away from the lounge – after all, it can be
a place to relax and not every
teacher complains. However, I think initially your time would be better spent
-- and much more productive -- inside
your classroom, preparing lessons and procuring the resources you need to teach
your children.
Let me ask you something. When you go into the office of a doctor, a
dentist, or a lawyer, what do you
normally see hanging on the wall?
Why, it is a diploma
(or several), of course!
I often hear teachers complain that they are not treated like
professionals. More often than not,
these are the same individuals whining about building policies or gossiping
about other people. Typically, they
duck responsibility, parade around in jeans daily, and do not have their teaching
credentials posted.
Please hear me out. I am not suggesting that simply because you do not
have your teaching diploma(s) on the
wall of your classroom or office that
you are not a professional. But rather,
as a professional, you should want your students and their parents to
see your credentials. It is not about ego but
about being a member of an honorable profession.
Your diploma
clearly shows our boys and girls what can be done when you put your mind to it. Display it proudly!
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