The upcoming school year will be filled with uncertainty, but the need to keep students engaged while working from home feels like a sure thing. Fortunately, there is a science of motivation.
By Ian
Kelleher, Chris Hulleman
one of our students put it, online school “is just like in-person school but
with all the fun bits removed.” Without the ambient social interactions that
are such a rich part of a regular day at school, and without in-person guidance
from teachers, coaches, and counselors, many of the key motivational drivers
were suddenly gone. In most K–12 schools, there were no fully formed
distance-learning alternatives waiting in the wings. Indeed, glaring holes and
inequities were exposed in the first days and weeks of distance learning:
families with sporadic or no connection to Wi-Fi; students who lacked a calm
place to study; siblings who needed to chip in to take care of brothers and
sisters, or needed to contribute money by getting a job. Over and above it all
were increased levels of trauma.
short order, the move to online learning also laid bare some of the instructional
flaws in our traditional structures of accountability, evaluation, and
standardized testing. We hope for intrinsically motivated students, but we tend
to design for the opposite, often with the best of intentions in mind. But
motivating students with carrots and sticks—through endless, demoralizing
cycles of high-stakes testing and assessment—is not getting us the deep
learning and love of learning we desire.
there is a science of motivation, and we need to design it into the very fiber
of our virtual courses. There is a pressing need to do so now in order to help
keep students engaged through the challenges of distance learning, and to avoid
exacerbating the previously existing gaps in learning opportunities born of
systemic inequities.
may have heard of the major theories of motivation that researchers discuss,
like self-determination theory and expectancy-value-cost theory. We will discuss these in
a second article coming soon. For now, we think that learning
mindsets—students’ beliefs about themselves, their potential, and the learning
context—are a better starting point that we can understand and implement
relatively quickly in classrooms. Once we get proficient at learning
mindsets, then we can go take the next step toward an understanding of the
deeper structure of motivation, and how it can be applied to create fundamental
structural reform in schools.
talk about three learning mindsets: sense of
belonging, purpose and relevance, and growth mindset. If we want to
design for intrinsic motivation, this is where we need to start. Some of
these learning mindsets may be familiar to you, but they are often
misunderstood and misapplied in schools.
students feel heard: Include activities, topics, and examples that
students identify with so they feel it’s OK to bring their authentic self to
class each day. Work hard at eliminating identity threat. Every child deserves to
feel seen, listened to, and respected, and that their unique
story is a part of the larger story of the class.
example, you can create a ritual for starting your online class in which every
child speaks and every child hears their name spoken by somebody else;
incorporate fishbowl discussions online and encourage
students to “speak from the I perspective”; co-create class rules and norms
with your students and post them on the first page of each unit on your
learning management system (LMS), and revisit and renew the norms
periodically; have each child share their preferred pronouns with you instead
of making assumptions.
barriers to connecting online: Let students know that there is an easy way
to communicate with you outside of class—you can manage expectations by telling
them how quickly you’ll respond—and that they are welcome to do so. While
setting clear expectations for the whole class, it’s also important to be
creative and proactive in identifying and finding solutions to
challenges—emotional or academic—that individual students are facing. For
example, you can set up one-on-one phone or video calls with each child on a
rotating basis, or offer them the ability to text or call you directly.
yourself that social time is as important as academic time: If you are
teaching online, deliberately use some of your precious time for social
For example, begin your class time with a social ritual: try a short “mental
stretch” break; offer some monitored hangout time before class starts; or
create small groups that meet socially asynchronously. This isn’t wasted class
time—it’s an investment to help keep them
motivated and present for the long haul.
hard to articulate purpose: Teachers often underestimate the importance
of purpose and relevance in building
motivation, and overestimate how good a job they are doing making the purpose
clear. Deliberately and regularly state the purpose of assignments and
activities—this is especially important when you are distanced from your
online surveys to solicit—and leverage—student interests: Ask students
about their interests and passions, and design activities that target things
that your students genuinely find personally relevant. It’s not always
necessary to make the activities academic: During distance learning, you should
cut down some of your traditional content in order to forge deep
connections—the goal is to boost students’ long term buy-in for the year.
connections to real life: Research suggests that students’ motivation
toward education is improved when they take the time to link their learning to
their existing interests—or to the world around them.
having students complete this activity, which asks students
to connect recent academic insights to their interests, by interviewing each
other, perhaps over Zoom.
students choice: Adding well-chosen, constrained elements of choice in
topic or medium are great options to help boost motivation during distance
learning—students feel empowered while also learning how to improve their
ability to choose. But be mindful that too much choice creates decision fatigue. Example activities:
Choose from one of these four essay prompts; select a renowned leader that
meets a set of criteria to study for your project; produce your work in the
form of a podcast, children’s book, 2- to 3-minute video, art installation, or
how learning works: Begin by talking to your students. Tell them that
studying is hard, but it gets easier over time when you begin to use effective
study strategies. Teach them about neuroplasticity—that effortful practice over
time helps rewire their brains.
them effective study strategies: Students should favor study strategies like articulating
key concepts in their own words, active retrieval, and spaced practice over
rereading and highlighting—and you should build in time to let them practice
and refine those strategies. During distance learning it is especially
important to be deliberate about this because students are on their own more
often and need strategies for self-regulation.
them get unstuck: Be concrete with students about the fact that they will
periodically get stuck, so they’ll need tactics to get over the hump. Have you
created a class climate where kids feel comfortable asking peers for help—or
considered setting up small study groups to facilitate better communication?
Have you given your students easy ways to contact you during business hours,
and even urged them to do so when they’re stuck? Have you created a useful,
easily accessed list of class resources in your LMS?
tech to create a low-stakes environment: Create low-stakes quizzes in your
LMS, or use tech tools like Pear Deck, Quizlet Live, and Poll Everywhere to
support frequent but gradeless retrieval practice and formative assessments. Reposition these
“quizzes” as part of continuous learning, and help students see them as useful
tools to get a sense of where they are, how well their study strategies are
working, and what they need to do next. Finally, don’t confuse low-stakes with
easy; students work harder and learn more deeply when they are challenged.
Build time for getting things wrong and learning from those mistakes into every
your grading systems and structures: Despite the conventional wisdom in
education, grades don’t motivate students to do their best work, nor do they
lead to better learning or performance.
better time than now to adjust your grading structure to reward growth,
development, and improvement? Even if summative assessments are beyond your
control, consider adjusting your mid-unit grading by awarding points and grades
based on student work related to continuous improvement. This not only helps
the struggling learners, but also pushes the top achievers to show that they
are putting in the effort needed to demonstrate clear improvement in their
skill levels.
constantly ready to adjust your teaching: Because it’s hard to “read the
room” and determine what your students know in a virtual classroom, use your
formative assessments to continually adjust your own teaching. This is a
great way to model the growth mindset behaviors that you’d like your students
to adopt.
a digital record of competence: Motivation can be boosted when students
notice their growing competence. Create short activities to promote this rather
than leaving it to chance—for example, bring back a piece of older work and
do a then-and-now comparison, or create a simple online portfolio that can
be regularly updated and revisited. Be sure that students link their competence
to hard work and the right strategies, not to innate ability.
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