More Community Building Activities

 Name web

Have the students sit in a large circle. Hold the ball of yarn and say your name. Then hold the end of the string and pass the ball to a student in the circle. That student will then catch the ball of yarn, say their name, hold on to the string and throw the ball of yarn to the next student. Have the group pass the ball of yarn to everyone to create a web. An additional challenge would be to unravel the web by throwing the ball of yarn backwards in the same order. Each student would say the name of the student to whom he/she would throw the ball. Can they unravel the web without it getting tangled?


Syllable dance

Divide the class into groups of 6--8 students. Have each group form a circle. Each student in the group will create a movement for each syllable in his/her name. Within  each group, the students will take turns saying their name and teaching the other students in the group the movements for the syllables. Challenge the groups to remember the names and syllable movements for the entire group. Can they go all

the way around the circle without making a mistake?


Name plus

Have the class form a large circle. Toss a plush ball or toy animal to a student. That student will say their name plus their favorite activity/sport. The student will then pass the ball along to another student in the circle who will say his/her name plus his/her favorite activity or sport. Have the class pass the ball around the circle until everyone has gone. There are endless possibilities for the “plus” of this

game (name plus favorite food, name plus birthday, etc.).

Similarity circle


This activity is best done outside or in a gymnasium (any place where the students can be loud!). Have the group form a large circle. Read a statement aloud (suggestion list is below) and tell the students that if the statement pertains to them, they should run into the circle as excitedly as possible. When they run into the center of the circle, they can jump around, yell “woohoo”, give others in the circle a high five, etc.


This activity allows students learn about each other and see who shares some similarities. Be sure to yell out statements that are inclusive, so that students have the opportunity to run into the center a few times.

Statement suggestions… Run into the circle if you…

…have a sibling!

…have a pet!

…are excited about starting a new school year!

…ate ice cream this summer!

…live in (specific town)

…are wearing socks!

…like to read!


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