Making the Case for Character Education

There are a lot of subjects taught in school but one that often gets overlooked is character education. It’s something that brings great value to the lives of students and the communities they live in. It helps influence their decision-making skills and shape their values. Children as young as Kindergarteners benefit from character education in the classroom.

The Six Pillars of Character
The six pillars of character include Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. In the 1980s, the Supreme Court acknowledge that public schools are the perfect vehicle for learning core values. Unfortunately, character education isn’t a part of many educational institute’s curriculums.

Character Education Involves the Entire Community
When implemented in a school setting, it shapes student’s beliefs and actions. Schools are encouraged to make staff, students, and their parents active participants in character education. That way, areas of emphasis are determined by the community.

How It Benefits Students, Homes, and Communities
Character education training improves classroom interactions, lessens the need for disciplinary actions, and helps shape the future of students who rely on their training to do right by the world. It also gives parents and the community the skills needed to consistently speak about desirable character traits to students.

The Importance of Shaping Young People’s Future Through Beliefs and Actions
Making the case for character education is much simpler than it looks. It involves a commitment from educators and parents alike. Character education is something that is overlooked but necessary in schools around the country. It helps shape children’s moral values and helps them grow into well-rounded, rule-abiding citizens.

By accessing the right resources, educators can teach character education in a way that resonates with youth. It’s something they can communicate to other members of the school district as well as the parents of the students being taught. Communities are strengthened by character education and students that become exemplary citizens because of their strong moral values, infinite amount of respect, and desire to do the right thing at all times.

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