If you want to learn the ins and outs of hacking education, there are some excellent books on the subject. I’ve included three of the best I’ve found for you to review. They provide valuable insight on the subject and how it applies to you as an educator.
The books that you need to be aware of are:
- Hacking Education: 10 Quick Fixes for Every School. Volume One in the Hack Learning Series by Mark Barnes, this book is every educator’s dream. Rather than dig through piles of data and research, you’re able to go to the root of the problem with practical solutions that are fast to implement and effective in their approach. A hacker’s mentality is needed to revolutionize the entire education system. This book explains ways to deal with classroom management, the need for additional books, wasted meeting time, and more. It provides solutions in the form of Pineapple Charts, The 360 Spreadsheet, Glass Classrooms, and dozens of other systems that you can follow step-by-step and ignite change in the schools you teach in immediately.
- Hacking Google for Education: 99 Ways to Leverage Google Tools in Classrooms, Schools, and Districts. Known as Volume 11 in the Hack Learning Series, this informative book by Brad Currie, Billy Krakower, and Scott Rocco is all about Google. It’s written for teachers, principals, and district administrators who want to use the G Suite- Google Drive, Apps, Docs, Gmail, and all Google Tools at classroom, school, and district levels. There is a total of 99 hacks in 33 chapters. Some tips and tools apply to Google offerings that you may have never even heard of such as Flubaroo, Flippity, Tours, and YouTube Insights. Become the G-Master Supreme of the educational system you work in. This book shows you how to use Google for more than just web searches.
- Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom. Written by Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, Volume Nine in the Hack Learning Series is jam-packed with tips on how to do project based learning (PBL) the right way. Students are more inquisitive and creative because of your instruction. This guide shows you how to create umbrella questions that drive a project, assess the process formatively to determine its success, and practice patience when your students struggle to be productive. This book is a must-have as it enhances your experience as an educator and your students’ experience as learners.
Go beyond the normal way of thinking about education. Apply logic like a hacker would. Simplify complicated and ineffective systems by taking a new approach to teaching. Make things easier on yourself, the other educators you work with, and the students that learn from you by buying these books and committing their hacks to memory.
#1 Book title: Hacking Education: 10 Quick Fixes for Every School
#2 Book title: Hacking Google for Education
#3 Book title: Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom (Hack Learning Series) (Volume 9)